Ray Hushpuppi, share some motiviational talk while going through a world of fond memories to when he began as an influencer via web-based networking media. As indicated by him, numerous individuals derided him when he began to utilize Instagram to push his character however today, he has through the social stage fabricated a brand that is known everywhere throughout the world and is monetarily compensating for him. He said: I remember back in the days when we all started using Instagram, a lot of people threw shots at you for doing what you like, guess what? Those who were deaf to the negativity are what we call influencers today! SUCCESS , now has the shameless shouting , “I am a huge fan”. Today, so many brands cater and care about me, they treat me well and the benefits I get from them are huge! I have built my name into a brand known across the world, which has opened many doors for me in several aspects of life including financially! I am proud that I wasn’t discour...
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